Monday, May 18, 2009

Recommender Book: Natural Liberty

I'm writing about a new book on self-induced abortion. I have read thoroughly (except for the part on herbal abortifacients, about which I am not knowledgeable). I am excited about this book, because it brings together information that we women need to have about how to have an abortion outside the medical profession's control.

I have spoken to one of the authors and I am impressed with their responsibility. I know that at least some of the collective have experience in doing menstrual extraction in a self-help group. The book is written in a careful and comprehensive manner.

I recommend that your order the book. It is available on the websites, and It is also available on, but when you order from the sisterzeus or moondragon, they get a small commission that helps them to exist. They're very worthwhile websites.

I would like to hear your comments, especially about the herbal information. And please forward this information to anyone you think might be interested.

NATURAL LIBERTY, Rediscovering Self-Induced Abortion Methods, written and published by Sagefemme Collective, 2008

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The book is now available for free online viewing and download, at the following URL:
(licensed under Creative Commons)